Empowered Water® for Carpet Cleaning
The Best Cleaning Solution for Professional Carpet Cleaners
For over 15 years, EAU Technologies has lead the carpet cleaning industry by manufacturing electrolyzed water generators that produce our trademarked Empowered Water®. We hold the patent for carpet and hard surface cleaning with Empowered Water®, and through our partners have tens of thousands of happy families and business owners that have a cleaner, healthier and safer living environment.
Now, EAU Technologies is expanding the beneficial use of our Empowered Water® to independent carpet cleaning professionals that are passionate about providing a better, safer and more environmentally friendly carpet cleaning service.

Why Empowered Water®?
Empowered Water® is EAU’s brand for the high pH, alkaline water that our electrolyzed water generators produce. By enabling you to tightly control the pH (typically 11.5-12) as well as the concentration of sodium hydroxide (typically 240-300 ppm), you can utilize a carpet cleaning solution tailored for your use, and unrivaled in the industry.
- A Better Clean
Empowered Water® is as effective as toxic cleaners used in any given industry. Yet, it leaves no film residue associated with chemical-based detergents and soaps. Empowered Water® is a remarkable saponifier, with the ability to remove residue and mineral deposits that naturally build-up in carpets. As a replacement for phosphate-based, concentrated solutions, its active ingredient is Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH). Simply put, it cleans better and leaves no residue. - A Safer Clean
When independent carpet cleaners use EAU’s Empowered Water® they replace phosphate-based surfactants and harsh chemicals with a sustainable, water-based product. Most importantly, they can offer clients a contemporary, leading-edge solution with zero risk to people, pets and the environment. - A Total Clean
With EAU Empowered Water® there is no mixing or dosing – the produced solution is ready-to-use and every drop of Empowered Water® is electrolyzed – just one of many reasons it is so effective. Also, there is no need to rinse. Empowered Water® self-neutralizes making the cleaning process easier, safer and more cost effective. - A Softer, Longer Clean
Empowered Water® removes surfactants, part of the residue that tends to make carpets stiffer and more easily attract and maintain dirts and stains. Carpets are softer once the surfactants that attract dirt have been removed, and they remain cleaner longer.
EAU Technologies provides professional carpet cleaners the best in carpet cleaning options. By using Empowered Water® you can offer clients a safe, non-toxic, anti-microbial carpet cleaning solution with little downtime, no residue and no odor! There is simply no better way for carpet cleaning professionals to clean and revitalize carpets.
To find out more, call EAU Technologies today!